Ocean Noise Strategy Roadmap
Open Access
National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Jason Gedamke, Jolie Harrison, Leila Hatch, Robyn Angliss, Jay Barlow, Catherine Berchok, Chris Caldow, Manuel Castellote, Danielle Cholewiak, Monica L. DeAngelis, Robert Dziak, Ellen Garland, Shane Guan, Sean Hastings, Marla Holt, Ben Laws, David Mellinger, Sue Moore, Thomas J. Moore, Erin Oleson, Jacqueline Pearson-Meyer, Wendy Piniak, Jessica Redfern, Teri Rowles, Amy Scholik-Schlomer, Aileen Smith, Melissa Soldevilla, John Stadler, Sofie Van Parijs, Charles Wahle
Offices across NOAA have collaborated to develop an agency-wide Ocean Noise Strategy, which seeks to ensure that NOAA is more comprehensively addressing noise impacts to aquatic species and their habitat over the next 10 years.The Roadmap is intended to serve as a high-level guide, rather than a prescriptive listing of program-level actions. The document summarizes the status of the science to support the Ocean Noise Strategy’s goals, details relevant NOAA management and science capacities, and recommends cross-agency actions that could be taken to achieve more comprehensive management of noise impacts. Fundamentally, the Roadmap serves as an organizing tool to rally the multiple NOAA offices that address ocean noise impacts around a more integrated and comprehensive approach. A series of key goals and recommendations are presented that would enhance NOAA’s ability to manage both species and the places they inhabit in the context of a changing acoustic environment.
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