Measurement of Hearing in the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) using Auditory Evoked Potentials, and effects of Pile Driving Playback on salmon Behaviour and Physiology.
Open Access
Scottish Marine and Freshwater Science Report
Harding, H., Bruintjes, R., Radford, A.N. and Simpson, S.D.
In this study, we adapted established methodologies to consider the potential impact of pile driving noise on Atlantic salmon behaviour and physiology (see Simpson et al., 2015). As a starting point to address these questions, we performed carefully controlled laboratory based experiments using underwater playback. Although the stimulus produced within the laboratory setup can’t accurately represent the sound field from a real noise source in an open soundscape (Normandeau Associates 2012), the use of the aquarium facilities enabled the tight control of potential confounding variables (Bruintjes & Radford 2014; Simpson et al., 2015), and allowed testing of potential impacts in controlled conditions. We investigated the behavioural and physiological impact of the additional noise of piling driving compared to ambient control conditions.
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