D3.6 Detailed report on ambient noise measurements in Crete, Malta and Cabrera and the analysis of the measured data
Open Access
QUIETMED – Joint programme on noise (D11) for the implementation of the Second Cycle of the MSFD in the Mediterranean Sea
Vella, A., Vella, J., Millares, R., Lara, G., Taroudakis, M., Piperakis, G., Skarsoulis, E. and Papadakis, P.
The QUIETMED project is running a number of pilot runs for monitoring and consequently establishing trends in acoustic noise present in the Mediterranean Sea according to requirements and guidelines adopted in the MSFD. Three research areas are the target of this monitoring; namely Cabrera (Spain), Maltese Islands, and Crete (Greece). Each site has its own equipment and procedure for deployment, retrieval and post-processing to meet the MSFD requirements. In this document one finds, even in the presence of heterogeneity, how the partners in the pilot projects select their deployment site, prepare the equipment (including calibration of recording rig), deploy and retrieve and eventually process and co-relate the collected sound data to report indicators required by the MSFD. The latter part of this report shows the results at local level by using comparative methods on each the three site datasets and explain these, for each site, through location profile and local shipping activities. These results give quantitative measure of the indicators required by the MSFD.
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