Effectiveness of a sealscarer in deterring harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena)
Open Access
Report by BioConsult SH
Brandt, M., Hoschle, C., Diedrichs, A., Betke, K., Matuschek, R., Witte, S. and Nehls G.
Offshore pile driving during windfarm construction goes along with substantial noise emissions into the water column, which may harm marine mammals. To avoid injuries from acute sound pulses, low level acoustic deterrent devices (pinger) and high level acoustic harassment devices (sealscarer) are used to keep porpoises and seals out of the danger zone around the construction site. In this study we investigated the response of harbour propoises (Phocoena phocoena) to a Lofitech sealscarer by conducting two studies: one based mainly on passive acoustic monitoring (C-PODs) and to some extend aerial surveys in the German North Sea and one applying a combination of visual observations from the top of a cliff and passive acoustic monitoring in the Danish Baltic Sea.
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