Auditory effects of multiple impulses from a seismic air gun on bottlenose dolphins (Tursiopstruncatus)
Peer Reviewed Publication
The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology
Schlundt, C., Finneran, J., Branstetter, B., Trickey, J. et al.
Auditory thresholds were measured in three bottlenose dolphins before and after exposure to ten impulses from a seismic air gun. Thresholds were measured using behavioral and electrophysiological methods to determine the amount of temporary threshold shift induced. The results suggest that the potential for seismic surveys using air guns to cause auditory effects on dolphins may be lower than previously predicted; however, two of the three dolphins exhibited “anticipatory” behavioral changes at the highest exposure condition that suggested they were attempting to mitigate the effects of the exposures.
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